Salt River Advocates Accuse Forest Service of Harming Foals!

A news release dated May 25 by the Salt River Wild Horse Darting Group claims the agency has set up traps in the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest to capture wild horses at the height of foaling season.

Volunteers with Alpine Wild Horse Advocates, an offshoot of SRWHDG, documented the effort, complete with salt blocks and alfalfa pellets.

Last year the Forest Service rejected their offer to poison the mares with their favorite pesticide, and now they’re seeing a growing population, according to the advocates.

Do not be deceived as they feign concern for the horses.

Like their sponsors at the Campaign Against America’s Wild Horses, they hate them.

They hate foals.

They hate families.

They hate reproduction.

They think they have a better way and they want you to pay for it.

RELATED: Salt River Advocates Mobilize in Favor of Alpine Ranchers.

Students Learn About Darting 10-26-22

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