Diamond Roundup Day 13

Gather stats through September 22:

  • Horses captured: 963
  • Goal: 1,225
  • Deaths: 25
  • Shipped: 899

Four deaths occurred on Day 11, due to pre-existing conditions, and none since.

The incident started on September 10.

Foals represented 18.4% of the total.  Body condition scores were not provided.

The contractor is holding 39 horses on site.  Sixty will be returned to the Complex, including 30 mares treated with contraceptives.

You could argue that all of the deaths are related to the roundup because none of them would have happened if the roundup didn’t occur.  That puts the death rate at 2.6%.

RELATED: Diamond Roundup Day 10Diamond Wild Horses Get Short End of Stick.

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