It’s Official: Clan Alpine Roundup Over, HMA Now Crime Scene

The incident concluded on December 14 with 1,605 horses captured, 1,392 shipped, 190 released and 23 dead, yielding a net removal of 1,415.

The capture and removal goals were 1,594 and 1,381.

The daily reports indicate 1,394 horses shipped.  The discrepancy may be related to two domestic horses caught on November 23.

There were no unaccounted-for animals according to figures in the sidebar.

The capture total included 658 stallions, 737 mares and 210 foals.

Youngsters represented 13.1% of the animals gathered, consistent with a herd growth rate of seven to eight percent per year.

Of the adults, 47.2% were male and 52.8% were female, providing no evidence of an abnormal sex ratio.

Eighty-one mares were returned to the HMA after receiving two doses of GonaCon Equine just 30 days apart, constituting unlawful use of the pesticide.

They were accompanied by 109 stallions.

To date, an announcement marking the end of the roundup has not appeared at the BLM news site.

The HMA is subject to permitted grazing.

RELATED: Clan Alpine Roundup Announced.

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