Draft EA for McCullough Pest Control Out for Review

The comment period opened yesterday and runs through August 12, according to the BLM news release.

The Proposed Action, discussed on page 6 of the EA, features bait trap removal of excess horses to achieve AML, continued application of the fertility control pesticide PZP and something new—use of the longer-lasting pesticide GonaCon Equine on mares that have contributed to the genetic diversity of the herd.

Older horses would be allowed to remain within the HMA.

The HMA, a subset of the HA, covers 120,412 total acres east of Cody, WY, including 113,938 public acres, and the AML ranges from 70 to 140.

The stocking rate allowed by plan is 1.2 wild horses per thousand public acres.

The area is managed primarily for animal agriculture, a purpose for which PZP was not approved.

As for the project, it does not allocate resources.

It cannot change resource allocations.

It enforces resource allocations already on the books, just like HMAPs.

RELATED: Scoping Begins for McCullough Peaks Livestock Protection Plan.

McCullough Peaks HMA with Allotments 07-14-23

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