FY23 Roundup Schedule Grows

The capture and removal goals have increased from 7,194 and 5,857 in the April 18 schedule to 7,223 and 5,971 in the June 14 schedule.

Alamo has been added as an emergency with a start date of June 12.  A gather page has been created but there are no daily reports.

Helicopters will take to the air on July 1 at the Reveille HMA as pest control actions resume after foaling season.

Drive-trapping is the fastest and most efficient way of shifting food and water to the public-lands ranchers and enforcing the resource allocations of the land-use plans.

Fertility control pesticides, on the same EPA list as toxic chemicals, slow population growth or stop it altogether, although they have not been approved for use in animal agriculture.

The incidents may or may not be announced at the BLM news site.

RELATED: Roundup Schedule Updated.

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